André Mielke Holds the Official Speech for the IHK Award Ceremony 2017
Last Tuesday, November 21, 2017, the Industrie- und Handelskammer Südthüringen awarded the "Bildungsfuchs" (education fox) to the best graduates of the dual training program for the 20th time. A total of 30 award winners from 30 training occupations and around 150 guests from the worlds of business, politics and the press were invited to the " Haus der Wirtschaft" in Suhl for the 2017 award ceremony.
IPOL Project Manager André Mielke held the ceremonial speech. He himself received the Bildungsfuchs for his successful training as an IT specialist in 2006 and now honored the outstanding achievements and results of the young specialists. In addition, he encouraged the graduates to use and develop their performance potential in their further professional life.
IPOL GmbH congratulates all winners on this success and wishes them all the best for their personal and professional future.